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Год защитника отечества. 80 лет Победы

Максим Юрьевич



2011-2015 бакалавриат МФТИ. Специальность прикладные математика и физика;
2015-2017 магистратура МФТИ, Сколтех. Специальность нанооптика и спектроскопия;
2017-2021 аспирантура EPFL по направлению биофотоники и нелинейной оптики.


1) M. Eremchev, D. Roesel, C. S. Poojari, A. Roux, J. S. Hub and S. Roke, ”Passive transport of calcium ions through lipid bilayers imaged by wide-field second harmonic microscopy”, Biophys J. 2023 Jan 18;S0006-3495(23)00034-6

2) D. Roesel*, M. Eremchev*, C. S. Poojari, J. S. Hub and S. Roke, ”Ion-induced transient potential fluctuations facilitate pore formation and cation transport through lipid membranes”, *equal contribution, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 51, 23352–23357

3) D. Roesel, M. Eremchev, T. Schönfeldová, S. Lee, and S. Roke, ”Water as a contrast agent to quantify surface chemistry and physics using second harmonic scattering and imaging: A perspective”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 160501 (2022)

4) K. Madeikis, P.M. Dansette, T. Bartulevičius, L. Veselis, R. Jutas, M. Eremchev, R.Danilevičius,V.Girdauskas, and A. Michailovas, ”Investigation of materials for supercontinuum generation for subsequent nonlinear parametrical and Raman amplification at 1 MHz repetition rate”, Optics Laser Technology 143, 107373 (2021)

5) P.M. Dansette, M. Eremchev and A. Michailovas, ”Continuous compensation of the phase mismatch by using temperature gradients for second harmonic generation”. Optics Comm.,2021, 484,126687

6) I Yu Eremchev, M Yu Eremchev, A. Naumov, “Multifunctional far-field luminescence nanoscope for studying single molecules and quantum dots:(50th anniversary of the Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences)”, Physics-Uspekhi, 62 294, 2019

7) Orly B. Tarun*, Maksim Yu Eremchev*, Aleksandra Radenovic, and Sylvie Roke, ”Spatiotemporal Imaging of Water in Operating Voltage-Gated Ion Channels Reveals the Slow Motion of Interfacial Ions”, Nano Lett. 2019, 19, 11, 7608–7613 *equal contribution

8) Orly B. Tarun, Maksim Yu Eremchev, and Sylvie Roke, ”Interaction of Oil and Lipids in Freestanding Lipid Bilayer Membranes Studied with Label-Free High-Throughput Wide-Field Second-Harmonic Microscopy”, Langmuir, 2018, 34 (38), pp 11305–11310\

Участие в конференциях

Участие в 66-ом симпозиуме Нобелевский лауреатов в Линдау (Lindsay, Germany, 2016).

Научный сотрудник

Docteur ès Sciences (PhD), EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland
Кандидат наук

Контактная информация