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2015 – Erasmus+ / Jean Monnet Project: “Enlargement Laboratory: EU Values and their Effects on New Member States in the Research and Innovation Sector” (ELEVEN +)

Проект «Научная политика»

«Лаборатория расширения: Ценности ЕС и их влияние в новых странах-членах в области науки и инновации»

Enlargement Laboratory: EU Values and their Effects on New Member States in the Research and Innovation Sector” (Acronym: ELEVEN+)

Номер проекта / Project number: 565396-EPP-1-2015-RU-EPPJMO-PROJECT

Номер договора / Agreement number: 201-0860 / 062-001

Поправка / Amendment to Agreement: 2015-0860 / 062-002

Руководитель проекта / Project LeaderР.Я. Гибадулин / R.Ya. Gibadulin директор Института перспективных исследований Московского педагогического государственного университета (ИПИ-МПГУ)

Академический координатор / Academic CoordinatorИлона Кишш / Kiss Ilona старший научный сотрудник ИПИ-МПГУ, профессор кафедры всемирной литературы МПГУ

The project titled “Enlargement Laboratory: EU Values and their Effects on New Member States in the Research and Innovation Sector” (ELEVEN+) aims the “cross-fertilisation” and “spread content” focusing on the transition experience of the eleven new EU member states (EU11) in research and innovation sector. The fundamental rationale of the project is to contribute to the effective integration of Russian science and humanities into the European Research Area.

The key objective of the project is to collect and spread information on the EU policies on research and innovation through the EU11 transition experience. Due to the common historical past and similar patterns, the EU11 is a key reference group for Russia: the development of the national research systems in this region can provide an invaluable model for Russian institutions for demolition of the former institutional structures, reorganization of funding procedures, introduction of new assessment tools and control mechanism. The EU11 patterns can fertilize directly the Russian research and innovation sector, and indirectly the higher education sector through the promotion of knowledge of EU standards. Establishing new research partnerships and strengthening the existing cooperation, the project will help the internationalization of the Russian education institutions. Catalyzing the policy debates with policy makers and government bodies, the project can have a considerable impact on the research and innovation policy.

The main output of the project is a monograph with eleven country chapters, comparative and comprehensive analytical studies based on a fact-finding research related to the main research policy trends of post-accession period. A catalogue of EU11 best practices and a List of policy recommendations will be attached. The outcomes of the project include the lessons learned from the transition processes, which will accelerate the establishment of the common European Research Area.

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