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To visitors and partners

Educational and Scientific Center of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology named after the Honorary Professor Yu. B. Filippovich


Irina D. Krylova

Head of the Educational and Scientific Center of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology named after the Honorary Professor Yu. B. Filippovich

+7 (495) 683-47-84

id.krylova@mpgu.edu, irina.d.krylova@gmail.com



Maxim I. Barsukov

Head of the Sector of the Educational and Scientific Center of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology named after the Honorary Professor Yu. B. Filippovich

+7 (495) 683-47-84






Address: Moscow Pedagogical State University,

129164, Russia, Moscow, Kibalchicha street, 6/3, rooms 507, 510, 511


Educational and Scientific Center of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ‒ Modern Science, innovative Education!


The Educational and Scientific Center is an inter-departmental structural unit

Scientific theme of the Educational and Scientific Center: «Investigation of the structure and expression of the eukaryotic genome»

The structure of the Educational and Scientific Center includes the Sector of the Structurally-functional organization of the eukaryotic genome

The Educational and Scientific Center of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology invites students to prepare final qualification works on the most topical areas in molecular biology!!!


The Educational and Scientific Center of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology invites to cooperation

In the field of scientific research

  • А complex of molecular biological and molecular genetic studies using modern equipment
  • Genomic editing using the CRISPR/Cas9 system
  • Elemental analysis by ICP-MS (59 chemical elements)
  • Potentiometric determination of the pH of samples of different media


In the field of education

  • Biological circle for students of 6-11 grades
  • Advanced courses for universities lecturers, secondary professional education teachers, schools teachers, post-graduate students, master students, and senior students