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The Science and Education Week for Peace and Development

26 November-2 December 2017

The Science and Education Week for Peace and Development will take place from 26 November to 2 December 2017 in Moscow as part of festivities to mark the 145th anniversary of the Moscow State University of Education (MSPU). The Week is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme in the Russian Federation.

The Week will be hosted by the Moscow State University of Education and supported by the Secretariat of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities, the Eurasian Council of Education Researchers, the International Pedagogical Society in Support of the Russian Language, Council for Nationalities under the Moscow Government, the Commission on Development of Science and Education of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Education Trade Union, and in collaboration with the International Federation for Peace and Conciliation, UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Network, and the UNESCO Associated Schools.

Participants: representatives of higher and secondary education institutions, educational authorities from Russia and other countries, including the Eurasian Union and bordering countries, in particular the SCO member states as well as international expert and academic communities.

Goal: sharing experience, research and methodological materials, best practices of educational institutions from Russia and other countries to address compelling issues of international and cross-cultural education with a strong focus on pedagogical mission, training of future pedagogues and lifelong learning.

The Science and Education Week will include the following events:

  • 27 November, Round Table: Technological Education in Innovative Development of a National Economy;
  • 28 November, Round Table: Modern Strategies on Developing the Content and Technologies for Pedagogical Education;
  • Research and Methodological Session for international researchers in the occasion of the 30th anniversary of EU Erasmus+ Programme, 29 November;
  • 29-30 November, International Seminar: Education in Today’s Multicultural World: the Role and Mission of a Pedagogue (from the cycle of “Dialogue of Civilizations and Cross-Cultural Cooperation”);
  • 29 November, Round Table: Media and Information Literacy in the Context of Social Relations Radicalization;
  • 30 November, Youth Forum: Education = Knowledge + ???;
  • 30 November-1 December, All-Russian Conference on Mathetics and the Future of Pedagogy, (with international participants);
  • 1 December, Forum: Modern Family in a Megacity: Evolution, Crises and Transformation;
  • 1 December, Interactive Conference: Early Childhood Education as Investment into the Future;
  • 1 December, Research seminar: An Educational Institution’s Web-Site as a Communication Resource.  2017 EAPU Internet Award (a contest of websites of Pedagogical Institutes and Universities from Russia and CIS), announcement of winners.

Dates: 26 November – 2 December 2017, working days: 27 November – 1 December 2017 

Working languages: Russian and English

Application deadline: 10 November 2017

Электронная регистрация / Online registration

Концепция Недели ЮНЕСКО   /  Concept Paper UNESCO Week

Информационное письмо №1   /  Information Letter No. 1

Информационное письмо №2  Information Letter No. 2


Регламент проведения мероприятий «Недели науки и образования в интересах мира и развития» / Regulations