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Scientific activities

Scientific and research activities of the staff of the Faculty of Regional Studies and Ethno-Cultural Education and the UNESCO Chair “International Education and Integration of Migrants” are integrated and interdisciplinary. They are aimed at the comprehensive study and promotion of the principles of multicultural and spiritual and moral education, intercultural dialogue and intercivilizational relations, support of ethno-cultural diversity, international (interethnic) and interreligious harmony; socio-cultural adaptation and integration of international migrants; study of the history and culture of world religions, scientific and methodological support of “Russian schools” abroad.

The main scientific topic developed by the team (Center for Historical and Cultural Studies of Religion and Intercivilizational Relations) involves the study of the processes of formation of civil identity through teaching the basics of spiritual and moral culture of peoples of Russia. The purpose of the research is to analyze, understand, and test approaches, methods, and technologies for developing Russian civic identity, a sense of patriotism, and civic responsibility of students and teachers, and to study the history and traditions of peoples of Russia, as well as their experience of solidarity in strengthening the state and protecting the Fatherland.

In recent years, the attention of both the authorities and society has increasingly turned to the topic of spiritual and moral values, and historical and cultural traditions of peoples of Russia. Gradually, there is an awareness of the direct impact of these factors on the strengthening of the cultural and human potential of Russia. This trend manifests itself in the sphere of state-building and socio-political life, and is reflected in law-making activities. A special role is given to solving the tasks of the state national policy and the formation of the all-Russian civil identity. The education system is faced with the state task of educating modern youth the civic responsibility and patriotism. The implementation of the subject areas “Fundamentals of religious cultures and Secular Ethics” in primary school and “Fundamentals of Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia” in secondary school is aimed at the realization of the task of forming an all-Russian civil identity on the basis of the spiritual and moral culture.

The main task of the research work is to develop pedagogical conditions for introducing students to traditional Russian values in the educational process (in the context of the objectives of the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025). Within the framework of research, methodological recommendations are developed for the implementation of regular and extracurricular activities in the direction of spiritual and moral education through the teaching of training courses chosen by parents (legal representatives) of students in those subject areas of general education organizations. Special attention is paid to the study of ways to form a civic identity based on the study of the values of students, including future teachers.

The research carried out by the staff of the Faculty of Regional Studies and Ethno-Cultural Education aims to create conditions for the harmonization of inter-ethnic relations in the Russian education system, as well as to develop new approaches to improving the professional competence of teachers in the context of solving new tasks of the state national and migration policy, program documents, goals and objectives of UNESCO in this area.

The subject of the study is domestic and international psychological and pedagogical technologies and methods used at different levels of education and aimed for forming a conflict-free educational environment, a culture of interethnic and interfaith dialogue; methods and models of linguistic, socio-cultural and psychological adaptation and integration of students from migrant families by means of education.


Products of research activities in this area:

1) analysis of the international and Russian regulatory framework, the activities of UNESCO, the best domestic and foreign practices of the topic of research and development;

2) development of training programs for advanced training (a modular cycle of training seminars) of pedagogical and administrative personnel of the education system on the topic of national policy and interethnic relations, strengthening civil harmony and unity of the peoples of Russia in the context of the new legislative requirements of the Russian Federation and UNESCO’s activities to promote the strategy of “new humanism”, taking into account the contingent of students; development of concepts and programs of modular open online educational courses on interethnic relations in the context of the educational policy of the Strategy of the State National Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025;

3) development of scientific and methodological recommendations for heads of educational organizations and managers on the integration of best practices of intercultural educational content into the Russian education system; pedagogical and administrative personnel to create a conflict-free educational environment in a multi-ethnic educational organization, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students and tools for assessing the intercultural competence of all participants in the educational process.

Another important area of the Faculty’s research work is the study of language, cultural, social and psychological adaptation and integration of students among international migrants into Russian society by means of education. The scope of the tasks to be solved includes, for example:


  • research of prospects of development of inclusive approaches in education for achievement of the goals of adaptation of international migrants and integration of the multinational Russian society, formation of the all-Russian identity and harmonization of interethnic relations, development of recommendations for heads of educational institutions of all levels of education, taking into account the advanced Russian and international experience;
  • development of a package of educational programs and methods of language and socio-cultural adaptation of international migrants, designed for children of different ages and levels of Russian language proficiency;
  • to study the peculiarities of adaptation and integration of students from international migrant families and ethnic minorities into the Russian educational environment, to develop practical recommendations for managers and teachers of educational institutions that identify optimal organizational and methodological approaches in teaching and upbringing, depending on the country of origin and ethnic and cultural affiliation of students.


This research topic is aimed at solving the problem of increasing the global competitiveness of Russian education through ensuring equal opportunities for access quality services of preschool, general and additional education for all children, successful socialization of all students, including children from migrant families, for their further successful functioning in the innovative economy, creating conditions for the integration of a multinational Russian society by forming moral values in the younger generation, Russian civil and cultural identity.

Opening of a new direction of training in the profile “Ethnocultural regional studies” at the Faculty actualized the development of new scientific directions related to the issues of the borderlands, cultural transformations, ethno-cultural identity, social norms, linguistic-cognitive and frontier studies.

In addition, individual research interests of the faculty members cover the fields of anthropology of education, culture of everyday life, museum pedagogy, sociolinguistics, linguoculturology, and translation studies.


Main publications of the Chair on the scientific topics 2017-2020


Main publications of the Chair on the scientific topics 2021-2022


Publications in the fields of individual scientific interests